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Significance of Strategic Outsourcing in IT Project Management
  • Akash Ravi ,
  • Nazim Donawa
Akash Ravi
Purdue University

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Nazim Donawa
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Outsourcing refers to the concept of delegating certain tasks to an external team. It can be a differentiating factor that can aid an organization gain a competitive advantage. Consultants can bring valuable experience on domain knowledge, interdisciplinary applications, and benefits from economies of scale. From ensuring effective use of resources to venturing into uncharted sectors, outsourcing can have a myriad of benefits for a project team. Similar to most business processes, there is an inherent trade-off that needs to be made when outsourcing. Risk management protocols are required when outsourcing, to balance execution control and collaborate effectively. Within the scope of IT projects, this research aims to survey the various methods of strategic outsourcing and the contexts in which they operate. Further sections attempt to analyze case studies based on the aforementioned aspects. Based on the available literature, the research consolidates best practices in outsourcing and presents recommendations on aligning them with project goals. Finally, the potential concerns that need to be addressed when trying to outsource activities are presented. Therefore, the research to be done within this analysis will look to dissect existing literature to assess current outsourcing practices. Additionally, the research will look for reasons why outsourcing was/is not as successful as it could be, as well as evaluate how outsourcing in IT has changed with the occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic.