Daniel Bruce Graham

and 8 more

Plasmas in Earth’s outer magnetosphere, magnetosheath, and solar wind are essentially collisionless. This means particle distributions are not typically in thermodynamic equilibrium and deviate significantly from Maxwellian distributions. The deviations of these distributions can be further enhanced by plasma processes, such as shocks, turbulence, and magnetic reconnection. Such distributions can be unstable to a wide variety of kinetic plasma instabilities, which in turn modify the electron distributions. In this paper the deviations of the observed electron distributions from a bi-Maxwellian distribution function is calculated and quantified using data from the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft. A statistical study from tens of millions of electron distributions shows that the primary source of the observed non-Maxwellianity are electron distributions consisting of distinct hot and cold components in Earth’s low-density magnetosphere. This results in large non-Maxwellianities in at low densities. However, after performing a stastical study we find regions where large non-Maxwellianities are observed for a given density. Highly non-Maxwellian distributions are routinely found are Earth’s bowshock, in Earth’s outer magnetosphere, and in the electron diffusion regions of magnetic reconnection. Enhanced non-Maxwellianities are observed in the turbulent magnetosheath, but are intermittent and are not correlated with local processes. The causes of enhanced non-Maxwellianities are investigated.

Andrew P. Dimmock

and 10 more

Mirror modes are ubiquitous in space plasma and grow from pressure anisotropy. Together with other instabilities, they play a fundamental role in constraining the free energy contained in the plasma. This study focuses on mirror modes observed in the solar wind by Solar Orbiter for heliocentric distances between 0.5 and 1 AU. Typically, mirror modes have timescales from several to tens of seconds and are considered quasi-MHD structures. In the solar wind, they also generally appear as isolated structures. However, in certain conditions, prolonged and bursty trains of higher frequency mirror modes are measured, which have been labeled previously as mirror mode storms. At present, only a handful of existing studies have focused on mirror mode storms, meaning that many open questions remain. In this study, Solar Orbiter has been used to investigate several key aspects of mirror mode storms: their dependence on heliocentric distance, association with local plasma properties, temporal/spatial scale, amplitude, and connections with larger-scale solar wind transients. The main results are that mirror mode storms often approach local ion scales and can no longer be treated as quasi-MHD, thus breaking the commonly used long-wavelength assumption. They are typically observed close to current sheets and downstream of interplanetary shocks. The events were observed during slow solar wind speeds and there was a tendency for higher occurrence closer to the Sun. The occurrence is low, so they do not play a fundamental role in regulating ambient solar wind but may play a larger role inside transients.

Mats André

and 3 more

Wakes behind spacecraft caused by supersonic drifting positive ions are common in plasmas and disturb in situ measurements. We concentrate on observations of the electric field with double-probe instruments. When the equivalent spacecraft charging is small compared to the ion drift energy the wake effects are caused by the spacecraft body and can be compensated for. We discuss examples from the Cluster spacecraft in the solar wind, including statistics of the direction, width and electrostatic potential of wakes, and compare with an analytical model. When the equivalent positive spacecraft charging is large compared to the ion drift energy, an enhanced wake forms. In this case observations of the geophysical electric field with the double-probe technique becomes extremely challenging. Rather, the wake can be used to estimate the flux of cold (eV) positive ions. We discuss such examples from the Cluster spacecraft in the low-density magnetospheric lobes. For an intermediate range of parameters, when the equivalent charging of the spacecraft is similar to the drift energy of the ions, also the charged wire booms of a double-probe instrument must be taken into account. We discuss an example of these effects from the MMS spacecraft near the magnetopause. We find that the observed wake characteristics provide information which can be used for scientific studies. An important example is the enhanced wakes used to estimate the outflow of ionospheric origin in the magnetospheric lobes to about 10^26 cold (eV) ions/s, constituting a large fraction of the mass outflow from planet Earth.

Laura Bercic

and 21 more

Solar wind electrons play an important role in the energy balance of the solar wind acceleration by carrying energy into interplanetary space in the form of electron heat flux. The heat flux is stored in the complex electron velocity distribution functions (VDFs) shaped by expansion, Coulomb collisions, and field-particle interactions. We investigate how the suprathermal electron deficit in the anti-strahl direction, which was recently discovered in the near-Sun solar wind, drives a kinetic instability and creates whistler waves with wave vectors that are quasi-parallel to the direction of the background magnetic field. We combined high-cadence measurements of electron pitch-angle distribution functions and electromagnetic waves provided by Solar Orbiter during its first orbit. Our case study is based on a burst-mode data interval from the Electrostatic Analyser System (SWA-EAS) at a distance of 112 RS (0.52 au) from the Sun, during which several whistler wave packets were detected by Solar Orbiter’s Radio and Plasma Waves (RPW) instrument. The sunward deficit creates kinetic conditions under which the quasi-parallel whistler wave becomes unstable. We directly test our predictions for the existence of these waves through solar wind observations. We find whistler waves that are quasi-parallel and almost circularly polarised, propagating away from the Sun, coinciding with a pronounced sunward deficit in the electron VDF. The cyclotron-resonance condition is fulfilled for electrons moving in the direction opposite to the direction of wave propagation, with energies corresponding to those associated with the sunward deficit. The quasilinear diffusion of the resonant electrons tends to fill the deficit, leading to a reduction in the total electron heat flux.

Sergio Toledo-Redondo

and 14 more

In situ spacecraft missions are powerful assets to study processes that occur in space plasmas. One of their main limitations, however, is extrapolating such local measurements to the global scales of the system. To overcome this problem at least partially, multi-point measurements can be used. There are several multi-spacecraft missions currently operating in the Earth’s magnetosphere, and the simultaneous use of the data collected by them provides new insights into the large-scale properties and evolution of magnetospheric plasma processes. In this work, we focus on studying the Earth’s magnetopause using a conjunction between the MMS and Cluster fleets, when both missions skimmed the magnetopause for several hours at distant locations during radial IMF conditions. The observed magnetopause positions as a function of the evolving solar wind conditions and compared to model predictions of the magnetopause. We observe an inflation of the magnetosphere (˜0.7 RE), consistent with magnetosheath pressure decrease during radial IMF conditions, which is less pronounced on the flank (< 0.2 RE). There is observational evidence of magnetic reconnection in the subsolar region for the whole encounter, and in the dusk flank for the last portion of the encounter, suggesting that reconnection was extending more than 15 RE. However, reconnection jets were not always observed, suggesting that reconnection was patchy, intermittent or both. Shear flows reduce the reconnection rate up to ˜30% in the dusk flank according to predictions, and the plasma ß enhancement in the magnetosheath during radial IMF favors reconnection suppression by the diamagnetic drift.