* Anisuzzaman

and 9 more

Naotoshi Tsuji

and 9 more

Ticks are notorious blood-sucking ectoparasites affecting both humans and animals, and serve as a unique vector of various deadly diseases. Ticks are pool feeder and extensive tissue damage is a common feature in hosts’ skin during their feeding. Here, we have elegantly shown the roles of the receptor for advanced glycation end-products (RAGE) during repeated tick infestations. Initially (day1), ticks attached hypostome into the skin making a notch on the epidermis associated with cellular damage and infiltrations, and there were no hemorrhagic changes. In advanced stages (day5), a large blood pool developed, which was flooded with blood (RBC). The hemorrhagic zone was surrounded by the presence of inflammatory cells. Very few inflammatory cells were detected around the zone of hemorrhage in the primary infestation. In the primary infestation, we found very few eosinophils up to day4 of feeding. At day5 of post attachment, eosinophil infiltration a little bit increased at the periphery of blood pool. Infiltrations of inflammatory cells increased in the subsequent infestations and reached to the highest level in the 3 rd infestation in wild type (wt) mice, but not in RAGE-/- mice, which was comparable to the non-infested control mouse skin. RAGE was highly expressed in the 3 rd infestation in wt mice. Interestingly, in the tertiary infestation, infiltration of innate lymphoid cells type 2 (ILC2s), expression of S100A8 and S100B, and peripheral eosinophil counts significantly increased at the biting sites of ticks in wt, but not in RAGE -/- mice. Taken together, our study revealed that RAGE-mediated inflammation and eosinophils played crucial roles in the tick induced inflammatory reactions.

* Anisuzzaman

and 9 more

Ascaridia galli is the largest gut-dwelling helminth of chickens which confers adverse effects on meat and egg production and thus, on the animal protein supply and the economy. Both adult and immature parasites affect the gut health, but larval stages play the major role in pathology. The larvae cause excessive mucus production, damage to the intestinal gland, hemorrhage, anemia, diarrhea, and malnutrition. The adult worms can cause death by intestinal obstruction and intussusception. Although both cellular and humoral immunity are involved in fighting against ascaridiasis, the role of naturally acquired immunity is poorly defined. In cellular immunity, Th-2 cytokines (IL-4, IL-5, IL-9 and IL-13), goblet cells (mucin), GALTs (gut -associated lymphoid tissues), CD8α+ intraepithelial cells, TCRγδ+T cells, and TGF-β4 form a protective band. Type 2 immunity provides protection by forming a network of eDAMP (endogenous damage-associated molecular pattern), chitin, and parasitic antigens. Among antibodies, IgY is the most prominent in chickens and provides temporary humoral protection. During parasitic infection, infiltration of various immune cells is evident, especially in the intestinal epithelium, lamina propria, and crypts of the duodenum and jejunum. In chickens older than 3 months, gradual reduction of worm burden is more successful. Female chickens exert a short-lived but higher level of protection by passing IgY to chicks in the form of egg yolk antibodies (EAB). In laying condition, immunity differs greatly between breeds. This review provides a good overview of the silent but inevitable pathological changes induced by A. galli; and the interaction of host immunity with the parasite.