Mallory Barnes

and 8 more

Restoring and preventing losses of the world’s forests are promising natural pathways to mitigate climate change. In addition to regulating atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, forests modify surface and near-surface air temperatures through biophysical processes. In the eastern United States (EUS), widespread reforestation during the 20th century coincided with an anomalous lack of warming, raising the question of whether reforestation contributed to biophysical cooling and slowed local climate change. Using new cross-scale approaches and multiple independent sources of data, our analysis uncovered links between reforestation and the response of both surface and air temperature in the EUS. Ground- and satellite-based observations showed that EUS forests cool the land surface by 1-2 °C annually, with the strongest cooling effect during midday in the growing season, when cooling is 2 to 5 °C. Young forests aged 25-50 years have the strongest cooling effect on surface temperature, which extends to the near-surface air, with forests reducing midday air temperature by up to 1 °C. Our analyses of historical land cover and air temperature trends showed that the cooling benefits of reforestation extend across the landscape. Locations predominantly surrounded by reforestation were up to 1 °C cooler than neighboring locations that did not undergo land cover change, and areas dominated by regrowing forests were associated with cooling temperature trends in much of the EUS. Our work indicates that reforestation contributed to the historically slow pace of warming in the EUS, highlighting the potential for reforestation to provide local climate adaptation benefits in temperate regions worldwide.

Tyler Waterman

and 3 more

Earth system models (ESMs) and mesoscale models have come to employ increasingly complex parameterization schemes for the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), requiring surface boundary conditions for numerous higher order turbulence statistics. Of particular interest is the potential temperature variance (PTV), which is used not only as a boundary condition itself but also to close boundary conditions of other statistics. The existing schemes in ESMs largely rely on the assumptions of Monin-Obukhov similarity theory (MOST), and are not necessarily applicable over complex and heterogeneous surfaces where large scale circulations and roughness sub-layer effects may cause deviations from MOST. The National Ecological Network (NEON) is used here to evaluate existing parameterizations for the surface boundary of PTV, note key deficiencies, and explore possible remedies. The results indicate that existing schemes are acceptable over a variety of surface conditions provided the analysis of a priori filters out low frequency variability not associated with turbulent time scales. There was, however, significant inter-site variability in observed similarity constants and a significant bias when compared to the textbook values of these parameters. Existing models displayed the poorest performance over heterogeneous sites, and rough landscapes. Attempts to use canopy structure and surface roughness characteristics to improve the results confirmed a relation between these variables and PTV, but failed to significantly improve the predictive power of the models. The results did not find strong evidence indicating that large scale circulations caused substantial deviations from textbook models, although additional analysis is required to assess their full impacts.