Nutraceuticals are gaining importance owing to the increasing focus on overall health due to recent pandemic. Nutraceuticals include products which help in maintaining immunity and prevent diseases. It also includes products which support the optimal functioning of the human body. Poor nutrition plays an important role in non-communicable diseases and lifestyle-related disorders as well. Hence it has significant impact on overall public health. Various nutraceuticals have exhibited therapeutic potential and hence gained popularity. Nutraceuticals are mainly categorized into dietary supplements and functional foods. With multiple factors contributing to the growth of nutraceuticals industry in India, we are marching towards global leadership in nutraceuticals. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India is solely responsible for regulating the approval, promotions, and labeling standards for health supplements and nutraceuticals. As the understanding of these nutritional products is improving, the regulations are becoming more specific. There is a need to monitor the usage of such nutritional products regularly and stringently. Nutrivigilance and phytovigilance are relatively new concepts in our country; however, regulatory authorities need to proactively observe for the undesirable, unintended effects and issues related to substandard and counterfeit nutraceutical products. Healthcare professionals including pharmaceutical physicians and public health professionals can play an important role in safeguarding the population by advocating rational use of nutraceuticals, food supplements, and consumer health products.