Daniel Bruce Graham

and 2 more

Giulia Cozzani

and 3 more

Electron temperature anisotropy-driven instabilities such as the electron firehose instability (EFI) are especially significant in space collisionless plasmas, where collisions are so scarce that wave-particle interactions are the leading mechanisms in the isotropization of the distribution function and energy transfer. Observational statistical studies provided convincing evidence in favor of the EFI constraining the electron distribution function and limiting the electron temperature anisotropy. Magnetic reconnection is characterized by regions of enhanced temperature anisotropy that could drive instabilities – including the electron firehose instability – affecting the particle dynamics and the energy conversion. However, in situ observations of the fluctuations generated by the EFI are still lacking and the interplay between magnetic reconnection and EFI is still largely unknown. In this study, we use high-resolution in situ measurements by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft to identify and investigate EFI fluctuations in the magnetic reconnection exhaust in the Earth’s magnetotail. We find that the wave properties of the observed fluctuations largely agree with theoretical predictions of the non-propagating EF mode. These findings are further supported by comparison with the linear kinetic dispersion relation. Our results demonstrate that the magnetic reconnection outflow can be the seedbed of EFI and provide the first direct in situ observations of EFI-generated fluctuations.

Daniel Bruce Graham

and 8 more

Plasmas in Earth’s outer magnetosphere, magnetosheath, and solar wind are essentially collisionless. This means particle distributions are not typically in thermodynamic equilibrium and deviate significantly from Maxwellian distributions. The deviations of these distributions can be further enhanced by plasma processes, such as shocks, turbulence, and magnetic reconnection. Such distributions can be unstable to a wide variety of kinetic plasma instabilities, which in turn modify the electron distributions. In this paper the deviations of the observed electron distributions from a bi-Maxwellian distribution function is calculated and quantified using data from the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft. A statistical study from tens of millions of electron distributions shows that the primary source of the observed non-Maxwellianity are electron distributions consisting of distinct hot and cold components in Earth’s low-density magnetosphere. This results in large non-Maxwellianities in at low densities. However, after performing a stastical study we find regions where large non-Maxwellianities are observed for a given density. Highly non-Maxwellian distributions are routinely found are Earth’s bowshock, in Earth’s outer magnetosphere, and in the electron diffusion regions of magnetic reconnection. Enhanced non-Maxwellianities are observed in the turbulent magnetosheath, but are intermittent and are not correlated with local processes. The causes of enhanced non-Maxwellianities are investigated.

Sergio Toledo Redondo

and 15 more

The Earth’s magnetosphere is filled by particles from two sources: the solar wind and the ionosphere. Ionospheric ions are initially cold and contain He+ and O+, in addition to to H+. Depending on their initial magnetic latitude and local time, and the state of the magnetosphere, they may contribute to the plasmasphere, the plasma sheet, the ring current, the warm plasma cloak etc. Depending on which path they follow in the magnetosphere, some of these ionospheric ions remain cold when they reach the two key reconnection regions: the Earth’s magnetopause and the plasma sheet in the tail. In this presentation, we will first review previous statistical works that quantify the number of cold/ionospheric ions near these two regions. Several works have attempted to quantify these populations, but they are inherently difficult to characterize due to their low energy, often below the spacecraft potential. We will also discuss the impacts they have on the magnetic reconnection process. Ionospheric ions mass-load the regions where reconnection takes place and change the characteristic Alfven speed, resulting in a smaller reconnection electric field. They also take a portion of the energy that is imparted to particles, affecting the energy budget of magnetic reconnection. Finally, they introduce new length and time scales, associated to their gyroradius and gyroperiod. We will discuss what are the implications of these impacts for the evolution of the magnetosphere – solar wind interactions.

Mats André

and 3 more

Wakes behind spacecraft caused by supersonic drifting positive ions are common in plasmas and disturb in situ measurements. We concentrate on observations of the electric field with double-probe instruments. When the equivalent spacecraft charging is small compared to the ion drift energy the wake effects are caused by the spacecraft body and can be compensated for. We discuss examples from the Cluster spacecraft in the solar wind, including statistics of the direction, width and electrostatic potential of wakes, and compare with an analytical model. When the equivalent positive spacecraft charging is large compared to the ion drift energy, an enhanced wake forms. In this case observations of the geophysical electric field with the double-probe technique becomes extremely challenging. Rather, the wake can be used to estimate the flux of cold (eV) positive ions. We discuss such examples from the Cluster spacecraft in the low-density magnetospheric lobes. For an intermediate range of parameters, when the equivalent charging of the spacecraft is similar to the drift energy of the ions, also the charged wire booms of a double-probe instrument must be taken into account. We discuss an example of these effects from the MMS spacecraft near the magnetopause. We find that the observed wake characteristics provide information which can be used for scientific studies. An important example is the enhanced wakes used to estimate the outflow of ionospheric origin in the magnetospheric lobes to about 10^26 cold (eV) ions/s, constituting a large fraction of the mass outflow from planet Earth.

Sergio Toledo-Redondo

and 15 more

Ionospheric ions (mainly H+, He+ and O+) escape from the ionosphere and populate the Earth’s magnetosphere. Their thermal energies are usually low when they first escape the ionosphere, typically a few eV to tens of eV, but are energized in their journey through the magnetosphere. The ionospheric population is variable, and it makes significant contributions to the magnetospheric mass density in key regions where magnetic reconnection is at work. Solar wind - magnetosphere coupling occurs primarily via magnetic reconnection, a key plasma process that enables transfer of mass and energy into the near-Earth space environment. Reconnection leads to the triggering of magnetospheric storms, aurorae, energetic particle precipitation and a host of other magnetospheric phenomena. Several works in the last decades have attempted to statistically quantify the amount of ionospheric plasma supplied to the magnetosphere, including the two key regions where magnetic reconnection proceeds: the dayside magnetopause and the magnetotail. Recent in-situ observations by the Magnetospheric Multiscale spacecraft and associated modelling have advanced our current understanding of how ionospheric ions alter the magnetic reconnection process at meso- and small-scales, including its onset and efficiency. This article compiles the current understanding of the ionospheric plasma supply to the magnetosphere. It reviews both the quantification of these sources and their effects on the process of magnetic reconnection. It also provides a global description of how the ionospheric ion contribution modifies the way the solar wind couples to the Earth’s magnetosphere and how these ions modify the global dynamics of the near-Earth space environment.