Yannis Schöneberg

and 11 more

Spiders are a hyper-diverse taxon and among the most abundant predators in nearly all terrestrial habitats. Their success is often attributed to key developments in their evolution such as silk and venom production and major apomorphies such as a whole-genome duplication. Resolving deep relationships within the spider tree of life has been historically challenging, making it difficult to measure the relative importance of these novelties. Whole-genome data offer an essential resource in these efforts, but also for functional genomic studies. Here, we present de novo assemblies for three spider species: Ryuthela nishihirai (Heptathelidae), a representative of the ancient Mesothelae, the suborder which is sister to all other extant spiders; Uloborus plumipes (Uloboridae), a cribellate orbweaver whose phylogenetic placement is especially challenging; and Cheiracanthium punctorium (Cheiracanthiidae), which represents only the second family to be sequenced in the hyper-diverse Dionycha clade. These genomes fill critical gaps in the spider tree of life. Using these novel genomes along with 25 previously published ones, we examine two proposed drivers of diversification: spidroin gene and structural hox cluster diversity. Our analyses show that spidroin diversification as well as hox cluster duplication and restructuring mirror spider diversification, hence suggesting a key role in the evolutionary success of the group. Our assemblies provide critical genomic resources to facilitate deeper investigations into spider evolution. The near chromosome-level genome of the “living fossil” R. nishihirai represents an especially important step forward, offering new insights into the origins of spider traits.

Lars Dietz

and 7 more

Metazoa-level Universal Single-Copy Orthologs (mzl-USCOs) are universally applicable markers for DNA taxonomy in animals which can replace or supplement single-gene barcodes. While previously mzl-USCOs from target enrichment data were shown to reliably distinguish species, here we tested whether USCOs are an evenly distributed, representative sample of a given metazoan genome and therefore able to cope with past hybridization events and incomplete lineage sorting. This is relevant for coalescent-based species delimitation approaches, which critically depend on the assumption that the investigated loci do not exhibit autocorrelation due to physical linkage. Based on 239 assessed chromosome-level assembled genomes, we confirmed that mzl-USCOs are genetically unlinked for practical purposes and a representative sample of a genome in terms of reciprocal distances between USCOs on a chromosome and of distribution across chromosomes. We tested the suitability of mzl-USCOs extracted from genomes for species delimitation and phylogeny in four case studies: Anopheles mosquitos, Drosophila fruit flies, Heliconius butterflies, and Darwin’s finches. In almost all instances, USCOs allowed delineating species and yielded phylogenies that correspond to those generated from whole genome data. Our phylogenetic analyses demonstrate that USCOs may complement single-gene DNA barcodes and provide more accurate taxonomic inferences. Combining USCOs from sources that used different versions of ortholog reference libraries to infer marker orthology may be challenging and at times impact taxonomic conclusions. However, we expect this problem to become less severe as the rapidly growing number of reference genomes provides a better representation of the number and diversity of organismic lineages.